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Sunday, May 1, 2016

The careless Innkeeper ...or... Hofer's Hooligans

As I have written in a previous posting, in a very recent election for the position of “Bundespräsident” ( President of the Federation ) the Austrians elected one Norbert Hofer, a far right leaning politician.
With the highest number of votes, he still falls short of the required majority and a run-off election between him and the person who came second is scheduled for the end of May.

Mr Hofer received 35 % of the votes cast.

Now, it so happens, that in one of Vienna's Districts there is a lady who runs a pub. She was quite unhappy about the outcome of this vote and on her front door she posted a sign with the message, that
“If you are one of the 35%, you need not come in here.”
I think that this innkeeper was wrong. Dead wrong!
In a Democracy, and Austria still follows this ideology, any citizen may vote according to his/her political opinion and conviction. Having voted, the voter cannot be prohibited from entering a public place.

The following day a group of hoodlums entered this pub and demolished its furnishings.
These, it is reasonable to assume, were followers of Mr. Hofer and were in turn, unhappy about this outspoken, general prohibition, which indicated the rejection of their candidate.

In an interview, asked his opinion about this vandalism, Mr. Hofer let it be known that he thought the action of the innkeeper to have been foolish. He, however, was not angry with her, but, on the other hand, he fully understood the resulting reaction of some of the public.
Think about this for a moment: He “fully understands” the actions of Hooligans, who bring mayhem and destruction upon private property and he therefore does apparently not condemn them.

Not with a single word did he speak against such vandalism, which any fair minded politician would have to reject vociferously. On the contrary, he indicated his “full understanding” of the anger of parts of the public.

The entire affair reminds one vaguely of the happenings in Germany in November of 1938, when Hooligans, members of the Nazi Organization, called the S.A. devastated shops owned by Jewish merchants.
I may well overstate the similarity, since one appears to have been the activity of a few hoodlums, not guided by any political organization, while the other was a Government-inspired and -directed action.

Nevertheless, Austria should be careful about playing with fire.
Reading opinions expressed by foreign press and politicians, the possible election of a right wing politician is not looked upon with joy, understanding or agreement in the rest of the western world.

If, however, the majority of the Austrian Public votes for Mr.X, then, in a democratic Austria, Mr. X gets the job. 
That's how a Democracy works.

Maybe all of this is just "playing Politics" and Mr. Norbert Hofer, if elected, will settle down to the task of being an effective innovative, and democratic Federal President of Austria.
Reading all his utterances, I recommend that you not hold your breath.

would have voted for Dr. Irmgard. Griss
(former President of the Supreme Court of Austria)

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