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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Franziskus & Winterkorn : Two shockers.

Some days, when you open the morning news paper, you can just shake your head in utter disbelief.
Today there are two such items:
Pope Franciskus, while on his visit to the USA, will sanctify one Junipero Serra, who, the Catholic Church says, deserves officially to become a Saint because he converted hundreds of thousands of natives to Christianity.

Descendants of the Amah-Mutsun people, and many others, will, however, tell you a tale which has little to do with Sainthood:
Juniper Serra, was borne in 1713 and became a Franciscan Friar.
The Church sent him to what is now California with the task of bringing the native population into the protective umbrella of „Mother Church“. In other words, to convert them by hook or by crook.

The Catholic Clergy, lead by Junipero, were accompanied by Spanish soldiers who did their bidding.

Junipero set about to establish 9 Missions along the coast line from San Diego northward to San Francisco.
A further 12 missions were built in accordance with Junipero's example, after his death in 1784.
These Missions contained not only places of worship, but also residential complexes, where the natives were forced to live, work and worship a God completely alien to them.
Any inmates who tried to flee were inevitably re-captured, severely and brutally punished and incarcerated for lengthy periods of time.
They were, says one of the descendants, Vincent Medina, Assistant Museum Director at the famed San Francisco Mission Dolores, enslaved in those Missions.
The Missionaries first lured the women and children, knowing that the men would follow them.
Once there, they were forcibly held and in short order „converted to Christianity“.
The Natives were forbidden to speak their own language, wear their own clothes, or follow their own practices. They were „Christianized and Hispanisized“ by bribery, promises and persuasion and when all failed by brute force.
I shudder to think of the sexual transgressions committed by sex-starved Priests and Soldiers of the Spanish Army.

And Friar Junipero Serra set the pace and gave the example.

Former Californian Bishop, Francis Quinn, 93, retired, caused quite a stir some years ago, when he, in the name of the Church, begged forgiveness for the treatment of the Native Population by the Missionaries of „The Church“.
Pope Franciskus, in Bolivia recently, begged forgiveness and said:
„I am telling you humbly and with deep regret that many serious sins have been committed on the Aborigines of your Country in the name of the Lord.“

In Bolivia he apologizes.
In North America he makes a Saint out of a Repressor and mentions not with one word the evil which was perpetrated by this man and his minions.

Well, this was the first „head shaker“ of this morning.

,The Second almost unbelievable happening, filling the papers of yesterday, today and will do so likely for many days to come:

The Icon of good old German technology, the world's largest producer of automobiles,
the very epitome of Honesty, Integrity, Reliability is caught with his pants down.
I mean down, right around his ankles.
Volkswagen has now admitted that maybe as many as eleven millions, (11,000,000, that's a lot of zeros) of cars were equipped with an electronic devise which, while the automobile was on the testing stand, emitted about 40 times less of the poisonous gases which it emits while in normal use.
This, folks, is not a small mistake, which just happened in one or two cases !

This is Fraud, spelled with capital „F“.

This is a deliberate effort to make your car cheaper, at the cost of the Health and ultimately the Life of uncounted people.
(Could we charge those responsible with „Criminal Negligence causing Death ?)
It was in the Kyoto Protocol that several Nations agreed to a reduction of emissions of CO²
based on the premise that man made CO² emissions are causing global warming and other Health related problems.
It is easy to sign such agreements, if you have every intention to circumvent it by fraudulent means.
The German paper, „Die Welt“ reports that the existence of the technical knowledge for such manipulations has been known to Berlin and Brussels for some time now.
(Please note that it is claimed that Governments were aware of the existence of the technology needed for such Motor-Manipulation, but not necessarily of the actual use of such devices.)
… and if you believe that, I can sell you a bridge in Brooklyn....

is not shocked

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