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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thoughts about "Charlie Hepdo"

I do not usually make predictions because Life has the tendency to do the unexpected, to take a turn in a direction one least anticipated.
This time I will dare, however, to embark on the difficult and dangerous path of prognostication:
After an initial flurry of high level meetings, learned discussions, educated editorials and 'high-faluting' sermons from a variety of pulpits, all about „Je Suis Charlie“ and about what the civilized world must do now to combat terrorism, most everything will slowly but surely return to the phlegmatic do-little attitudes of yesterday.
Yes, this is my prediction: ( and I hope that I'm wrong )
Within three months, Charlie will have been largely forgotten, because it is too enervating for most to remain at a high pitch of emotion.

A serious concern:
The call will shortly be out, if it is not already voiced, that we need more police, that new laws must be forged to stop such insanity as displayed by fanatics of all stripes.
The French will do this, the Germans that and the Italians another thing.
I would be surprised if Europe could agree on a common modus operandi as a response to this ever growing danger of the so-called Islamists. Europeans can hardly agree on the time of day, so how would they ever agree on such a weighty matter ?

Sure, the leaders of over 40 Nations marched arm in arm along the Champs Elysee, swearing allegiance and common purpose. They will return home and be confronted with the same all consuming problems of their own countries: Gross National Debt, Unemployment, Poverty, Housing, Health care and a myriad other difficulties which will demand their undivided attention.

Remember 9/11 ?
Rarely do you hear it mentioned nowadays. Although this crime killed over 3000 persons, maimed untold others and caused billion of dollars in damages, it seems that only the Americans have engaged in a sustained plan of action to learn in advance of such attacks in preparation.
Action, for which they were roundly criticized in the rest of the world.

And now comes „Charlie Hepdo“ !
And the call for action is loud. More Police, More laws.
I believe that Europe must be extremely cautious, because more police and more laws have a habit of developing their own growth and the one thing we do not want here, are countries with the ear marks of a Police State. The lowering of democratic principles, and, as a consequence an increase of State control, would be precisely what the Terrorists would welcome. If there is one thing they abhor it is the free expression of opinion, and all the other principles which make a country into a Democracy.

I am not suggesting that no positive action is required. On the contrary. Just for once Europe must engage in unified actions to combat Terrorism from whichever source it may come.
But not at the price of our treasured democratic principles.


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