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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mosy Tent

In the last postings I used the words "mosy tent".
Two readers asked me for the meaning of this expression.
"Mosy" is a colloquial short form for "mosquito"...
The ceiling and sides of this tent consist simply of a mosquito net, securely fastened to a sturdy floor.
The advantages of such a tent are indeed many fold: Firstly it allows for free circulation of air, so the tent does not become stuffy during the warm nights. Secondly you can lie there, on your back, and contemplate the stars in all their splendour and last but not least you see the early dawn rise over the horizon.
Of course, when rain is in the offing, and good guides, and we had the best, will know this without a weather forecast, or when we were in an area with a larger lion population, we would either use a large canvas two men tent or put a "canvas fly" over the mosy
This way we would stay dry and, more important, we would not arouse the curiosity of a wandering lion.

So that's the meaning and the purpose of a "mosy tent".

Two "mosy tents" under the low, overhanging branches of a tree.
This somehow defeats the purpose of star gazing but provides cooling shade during the day. In front a canvas "wash basin" to wash your face and feel a little refreshed. Shaving ? Who the hell
shaves in the middle of the bush ?

Two "mosy tents" and a visitor coming a bit too close for comfort.

John having a little "noon day snooze"
My "mosy" right next door and our guide's canvas a bit away from ours.

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