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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The beautiful "East Tirol"


Yes, I just got in my car and drove. 
Then I drove some more, and then some more again.
250km later, I ended up in the middle of the Province of East Tirol.
As you can see, there was snow on the mountains.
In the Valley the temperature ranged around 27 
give or take a degree or two.
I shall not describe the scenery! You can see it for yourself.
I shall not tell you the names of places, 
since they probably would not mean anything to you.
There WAS another Austrian Province, called the "South Tirol".
Where is it now?
After WWI in the Treaty of St. Germaine,  this part of Austria was given to Italy. 
The South Tirol is now called "Alto Adige."
At the beginning of WW II,
Adolf, as a sop to Benito, confirmed
 that this part of the World will remain in Italian hands.
My next trip, given the limitations of Corona,
will take me to the South.

please  scroll  slowly:

Thank you for visiting "East Tirol" with me.

1 comment:

Agitater said...

Beautiful weather and lovely photos. So bucolic and peaceful.