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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

...and the Wall came tumbling down

The Wall

Mr. Gorbachev! Open this Gate!”
Mr. Gorbachev! Tear down this wall”

So went the call in 1987 from the Leader of the Free World, Mr. Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, to the Chairman of the Communist Party of the UdSSR., Mr. Michael Gorbachev.

Mr. Gorbachev! Tear down this wall!

In February 1945, the defeat of Nazi Germany was imminent, the leaders of the three most important powers of the world met in Yalta.
Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt, (USA) Mr. Winston Churchill, ( U.K.) and
Genosse Joseph Stalin (UdSSR) had come to decide the fate of Germany after the conclusion of World War 2.

The division of Germany into four territories was decided upon.
There was to be an American, a British, a French and a Russian sector.

The Russian occupied sector became “The German Democratic Republic” (the GDR), the rest of the country got to be “West Germany.”
The GDR quickly became the most brutally run Communist Dictatorship, with the word “Democratic” the most cynical designation.
Between 1945 and 1961 almost four millions citizens fled from East to West Germany for a better and free existence. In order to prevent a continuation of this mass flight, the GDR erected in 1961 a wall of concrete, 3.5 meters high and topped by barbed wire, guarded by watch towers equipped with search lights and machine guns. This, so the East German government cynically announced was to protect East Germany from the “Fascist Element” of the West.
In fact, the official name for this monstrosity was: “The Anti Fascist Protection Rampart”.

During the existence of this abomination, over 100,000 people tried to escape. Only about 5000 succeeded in their effort to cross from East to West Berlin.
The border patrols were under “shoot to kill” orders and an estimated 150 to 200 persons were killed while attempting to flee across what was called “the death strip” into the West.
On the 9th day of November of 1989, two years after President Ronald Reagan's call, the wall came down, and the East Block of Communist Nations began to crumble.
This Saturday, the 9th day of November 2019, Germany, in fact the rest of the world, may celebrate the 30th anniversary of this epic event.

visited this wall, or what was left of it, in July of 1990.
The Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charley,

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