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Thursday, December 6, 2018

The End is the Beginning - part 3 -

The fifth day of May 1945                                                                           
I can hear Hermann’s familiar whistle from the church square below our living room window. I answer as always and rush down stairs. “I must get the ‘pots’ out of our apartment” I tell him. “We are getting 5 American officers quartered in our apartment. If they find the pots, they’ll shoot us.”

Again we walk through the town, heavily armed in our knickerbockers. We go to Hermann’s house. His parents run a knitting mill and a retail store of knitted ware. We sit in his basement, surrounded by neatly arranged shelves full of home made jams, marmalades, fruits and vegetables. I’ve never seen so much food at the same time in the same place. That’s why Hermann never bothers to go “food collecting” with Kurt and me. Hermann opens a jar of sliced red beets and we have ourselves a feast. Even down here we can hear the rhythmic chatter of the knitting machines.

We consider  putting our ‘pots’ together with the ignition caps into one of the empty jars and place those in the back row of the preserves. We abandon this idea when it proves that the grenades won’t fit through the jars’ narrower necks. Finally we carefully remove the bottom board of one of the storage shelves and place the potentially devastating explosive cans on their side on the cobblestone ground. We replace the shelf and reposition the jars.

To keep the length of fuse dry, we place it, tightly curled, together with  the ignition caps into an empty jar at the back row of the most recently dated  ”put up” jam, reasoning that they would stay undisturbed the longest. Hermann places the crimping pliers carelessly into a box housing old tools.
Then we step back and admire our handiwork. “Gosh” says Hermann, “you’d never suspect.”
Just then I note that it’s not only the clatter of the knitting machines I hear, but also the blood pounding in my head.

When I come home, my mother is frantic. They were looking for me all over, she says. (They weren’t looking in Hermann’s basement or they would have found me, surrounded by hand grenades.)
There is what seems like a whole platoon of American soldiers in our apartment. It turns out that there are five and they want quarters.
They indicate by gestures that they want this room and that one.  I muster all my English language skills and tell them: “you cannot have this room. This is our ‘beautiful room’. We use it only when we have visitors.” One of the Americans turns to me. “Oh good, you speak English”. “Yes” I say, “a very little”. “What is your name, please?” he asks politely. I tell him and he says: “I am Lieutenant Anthony March. Consider us your visitors.”  I understand that our “Beautiful Room” in which only rare guests or important relatives, like Onkel Felix, were entertained will now house two or three ‘Amis’.

They talk among each other. I understand only a word here and there. Anthony again turns to me: “Egbert is your mother a good cook?” he asks. “The very best” I answer. “Good !” Anthony smiles: “Ask her if she would like to cook for us. We will supply the groceries. But she must be a good cook.”
 “What are groceries?” I ask Anthony.  He explains painstakingly.
I finally tell my mother that they want her to cook for them. She thinks it’s a great idea. She hasn’t really “cooked” in a long time. But she knows how to make cabbage and potatoes 365 different ways.
She loves to cook, and she will be able to do it with real butter, real eggs, and fresh meats. She will use some American but mostly Austrian spices.

This is obviously a smashing success. Within a few days, the five who eat here, become eight and sometimes ten.
Among the American Officer Corp, my mother becomes famous.
And I become the semi-official interpreter.

My mother, my sisters and I always eat before our “visitors.” In spite of my urging, and ‘though we are often hungry, mother refuses to use any of “Their Groceries” to feed us. Until one day, Anthony comes early and sees what we eat.
Anthony (by now we call him Tony) calls a meeting. It is their unanimous decision, that the Reitter family henceforth shall eat the same as the “visitors”. This, I have no doubt, is the beginning of my love of everything “American”.

Months later, the Black Cat division is transferred to Gmunden, in those days a three hour car ride from Braunau.

We hate to lose our “visitors” of whom we have truly grown very fond. Two weeks later, Tony is heard by our neighbour, at three o’clock in the morning, calling from the narrow street below:

Main entrance to my home at Stadtplatz 22

“Mamma Reitter, Mamma Reitter”
He brought a huge box of “Groceries” and the Reitter family had to get up and have bacon and eggs and milk with “Tony” at 3 o’clock in the morning.
We did not mind at all.

For the next two weeks we lived really well.


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