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Sunday, October 14, 2018


Today, Pope Franciscus will announce the creation of two more Saints!

The first will be Archbishop Oscar Romero, the second, Pope Paul VI.
I believe that both these gentlemen have done great things during their lifetime.
Romero spoke up for the Poor and the Exploited, as did Paul who, in this way laid the cornerstone for the "Liberation Theology", a movement which at the time was heavily criticized by the R.C . Church.
Pope Paul, it must not be forgotten preached against the use of "the Pill" or a condom, since, in his "enlightened opinion, Sex was for procreation only. But otherwise he was Okay.

Now the Punch and Judy show begins, during which the Vatican has searched for, and evidently found that both these gentlemen have, after their death, performed at least two Miracles.
What will you bet that they'll find a woman here and a man there, who both had incurable diseases, which were cured miraculously by either having prayed to one or the other of the dead Men, or having positioned a picture of the deceased upon the body of another incurable person...  and see there..instant cure...

Some time ago I wrote about the children of "Fatima", two of whom also received Sainthood. Just for helping you to remember this posting, I shall repeat it hereunder.
I would love to know which 4 miracles they found for the two new ones.
Remember, 2 for each.

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