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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Monica Rathgeber, again...

I had planned to make the previous entry about Monica my very last comment about this issue.
However, some of the suggestions made in one of the daily papers are so unbelievable that I simply must address them.

In all seriousness one columnist actually suggests, that Monica was and is the "Sacrificial Lamb".
That she simply did as she was ordered to do and that she should go free and others ( her superiors)
should be charged.
They, of course, should be charged, but not with Grand Larceny and Forgery, but with failing to properly supervise the activities of their staff.

Does this writer really think that the Minister of Finance, or the Premier of the Province of Salzburg ordered Ms Rathgeber to change an invoice from an arborist, submitted for removal of some trees, amounting to €468.00 to, believe it or not,  €266,468 ?
Does he truly believe that Monika's political and administrative bosses ordered her to forge signatures on almost 100 financial documents which, according to the rules, demanded two signatories affixing their name?

Now the "Conspiracy Theorists" naturally have a field day and it will turn out that in their mind it is everybody's fault, except for Monika Rathgeber, this poor woman who was forced to lie and forge and do her bosses bidding.

And if you believe this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn which I can sell you. Real cheap.....


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