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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recommended Reading

For the lazy, hazy days of late Summer I recommend a few books which will open your eyes and fill your mind with wonder.

You will aks yourself: Is this possible ? And the frightening answer will be :"Yes, it is not only possible but it actually happened:

So here are the books I recommend:

 for German readers:
1.) "Gottes Erste Diener" by Peter de Rosa.
2.) "Papst Entzauberung" by Hubertus Mynarek

for English Readers:
1.) "The Vicars of Christ" ( translation of Gottes Erste Diener )
2.) "Divinity of Doubt" by Vincent Bugliosi

These books will make you shake your head and I hear you say: "I never knew".

shook his head not only once.

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