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Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Little Church

The weather has really not improved.
It's still windy and on the cool side.
But sitting around home is also not the ideal.
So I drive up the "Hemmaberg" ( The mountain of Holy Hemma )
It's really not a "mountain" but rather a good sized hill.
On the way down the other side you can see, in the distance, 
through the trees..
a little church.

Someday I must tell you about "Hemmaberg".
The Celts had a settlement up there and then the very early Christians.
There are excavations of Pilgrim Churches,  houses and graves dating about 2000 years back. ( When was it that the Celts roamed around here ? )
And there is a spring, issuing clear water without interruption.
Not just any water !
It's "right turning water" !
What ? You don't know the difference between water, Right turning water and Left turning water ?
Where have you been since the Celts took their healing and refreshing baths here ?
People come up to this spring, drink to the fullness of their thirst,
then they fill plastic buckets and take them home to drink and to wash their faces.

Wait a minute! 
Bring me the "right turning water"

Bertstravels is thirsty.

In the centre of this picture, the little church can hardly be seen.,
unless you click on the picture.

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