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Monday, April 21, 2014

God vs God

I've been told by some of my discussion partners and readers of this Blog, that I concentrate too much upon the Old Testament in my criticism of the murderous brutality, the jealousy and vindictiveness of the Christian God. I should, they suggested, look in the New Testament where I would find Jesus Christ, the loving, compassionate God. 

Well, so I did. And, indeed, there are many places where compassion is shown to some individuals.
To a prostitute whom he saved from being stoned by saying : "Let him, who is without fault cast the first stone." Or the beggar with whom the rich man shared his coat and many more such individual compassionate acts. So, it seemed, he truly was a "Good Guy".

On the surface it seemed as if we were dealing with two completely different "Gods"
In the Old Testament we meet the murderous, brutal, punishing God, while in the New Testament we meet the compassionate, forgiving one.

But, look a little closer and the New Testament God reveals himself as not such a nice guy, after all.

Jesus, on several occasions, informs his listeners that all those, who reject him and refuse to believe that he is indeed the "Son of God" are condemned and will suffer eternal damnation in Hell. 
(Mark 16:16, Mathew 10:14 -15,33, John 3:16 and so many more.. too many to list here.)
Unbelievers are mercilessly sent to the place of eternal fire and sulphur and there they will be punished for ever and ever and there shall be no relief from the pain during the days or the nights.

Matthew 25:41 : Jesus speaks of "Hell" as a place of "unquenchable fire" so that there will be eternal suffering and "gnashing of teeth"...

Who goes to Hell? Why, everybody who dies having committed a "mortal sin" without having confessed this transgression and having received absolution from a priest.
So, just imagine: There recently were over 250 passengers on a ferry which sank suddenly, giving passengers very little time to repent from his/her mortal sins, confess them and receive absolution. Every one of them will go to this place of no return, of eternal pain caused by fire and sulphur.

So the God of the New Testament, Jesus Christ, starts punishment at death and causes it to continue for all eternity.
And you cannot tell me that he is only the messenger, telling us what God has ordained.  No !
According to Christian belief, Jesus is God... the same as his father.... in fact, they are one and the same, two parts of the Holy Trinity..  that's the only way the claim of Monotheism can be sustained,
and if indeed he is God, than he is even more cruel than his Father, the other third of the Christian Godhood.

Now go and check on the list of "mortal Sins".(most of you will have committed one or two, or several )... then quickly go to confession, otherwise you end up FOR ETERNITY in this place of Fire and Sulphur.

We are dealing here with the God of Love and Forgiveness, 

All of this would be scary if it were not so laughable.

Bertstravels For Ever!

If you have just gone through a dreary day and you need a good laugh, look up the list of "Venial Sins".
As we have "Coca Cola Light", So we here have "Sin Light" which does not have to be confessed, but the Church recommends that you include them in your confession... just to be safe...



Unknown said...

Bert. I find it interesting that you , a professed agnostic, as am I , and as one who is not even sure that there is a " God" in the traditional meaning of the word , would spend five seconds concerning himself about the characteristics of the God described in the fairy tales known as the Old and New Testaments. How's that for a provocative comment ? This ought to get a rise out of some of your blog followers.

Christiane said...
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Christiane said...

i had the same idea
Why complaining about god when you are a agnostic
You wanted to know why some people celebrate Easter
because they belive
If you don t belive where is the problem
There will be no hell and no heaven for you after dead
Why belive in fairytales
And a christian answer for those who are killed through an accident
Eternity is long enough and God has time for each of them

Bert said...

Hi John...
As always, you hit the nail right on the head. Of course I have not changed my mind about my Agnosticism. It is the only stance which makes sense to me.
I am just looking at the unbelievable contradictions in both the O.T and the N.T. and the fact that still there are many who believe in these claptrap fairytales.

Unknown said...

Bert Please keep up your theological discussions. As you know, I enjoy them. Maybe I should have been a medieval monk debating how many angels could fit on the head of a pin even though I knew it was all nonsense. Don't despair , soon we will be blogging back and forth about the World Cup. John

Bert said...

This debate, how many angels fit on the head of a pin makes about as much sense as all the rest.