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Saturday, October 26, 2013

In Stratford on Avon, Ontario.

In Stratford we saw two wonderful plays: "Romeo and Juliette" and on the very next day, "Fiddler on the Roof".
We spent two nights in a classy B&B, the "Mornington Rose" and on the third day, Sunday, we drove back to Toronto. This trip takes you through the heart of Ontario's Mennonite country.
The Mennonites, or Anabaptists, persecuted in Europe because of their religious believes, (they rejected Roman Catholicism, and were totally pacifistic) finally, after having been driven from one European country (Principality, Dukedom etc) finally found religious freedom in America. Many settled in Canada, specifically in Central Southern Ontario.
Many of them still pursue a simple life style, and are successful farmers, in spite of rejecting modern contrivances, using horse and buggy instead of motor cars. I understand, however, that they now permit themselves to use motorized farming tools, such as tractors but still do not use automobiles for personal, non-farming use.
On our way we met with many of them returning from Sunday service. I could not resist stopping my car and taking photographs of these people from another time

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