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Sunday, August 25, 2013

How is that again ?

A couple of days ago my good friend Tony came to visit me. We sat in my ground floor studio, comfortably ensconced in easy chairs. We spoke of the weather, the very warm temperatures, the lovely red and yellow roses growing in our garden, the crystal clear water in our swimming pool, reflecting a cloudless sky.
Each had a glass of good white wine and all was well with the world.
Suddenly Tony said: "You wrote something in your Blog about unbaptised children and Limbo."
I agreed that I had indeed done so. Tony looked a little pained. "You know," he said, "that was written from your logical mind and you treated it very one-sidedly. "
"How do you mean 'one-sidedly'? I asked him.
"Well" he mused, "have you considered that there might be another logic, from the point of which the whole thing might make sense?"
"No", I said, I have not considered this, because the logic I have, is the only logic available to me.
When I say that two plus two makes four, I cannot consider this statement from another Logic.
When I say, A is larger than B and B is larger than C it therefore follows that A must be larger than C.
Such statements I cannot consider from another Logic. If there is such a thing, I am unaware of it and therefore I cannot consider it. In any event", I said, "what has this to do with unbaptised children and Limbo, a fictional place dreamed up by the Catholic Church in about 1300 AD, a place, to my knowledge, never mentioned in the Bible"...
"Well," Tony continued, "I just thought you were too adamant in your thoughts expressed in your Blog.
And what's more", he continued, "this issue is such a small and unimportant issue. There are many more important biblical considerations, worthy of some careful thought.
"Tony", I said, "this may well be an unimportant issue to you and me, but it surely is of paramount importance to all the babies allegedly waiting in this cursed place. And, in any event, I just wanted to show up the arbitrary nature of Catholic thinking, or non-thinking, where they invent a place, because it is convenient to have it, sort of as a waiting room, or storage shed, until they have a better  idea."

My friend left after another glass of wine, saying: "I'm looking forward to your next Blog."

It occurred to me that Tony was partially right: It is a small, unimportant issue when compared to much more impressive ones.

Take, for instance, the biblical claim that 'God is all-merciful and all-good'. Let me suggest that if indeed he has those attributes, than the Bible is surely wrong in its reporting of his (God's) activities.

Before going any further I researched the meaning of 'mercy' and 'merciful' ...
Mercy: (noun) compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.
Merciful: showing  or exercising Mercy. Bringing someone relief from something unpleasant.
(synonym: compassionate, lenient, being compassionate.)

Have a gander at "Genesis 6:5-7"
where it is reported that God was so disappointed at the wicked behaviour of what was supposed to be the crown of his creation, Man, that he decided to wipe from the face of the earth the human race, "for I regret that I have made them." (God, the infallible, regrets what he has done, thereby admitting that he had made a mistake ???)
So, because he obviously screwed up the first time around, he decided to start from scratch. To do so he would cause the death of all humans, men, women, children, babies, including righteous men, faithful, loving women, and innocent children and babies, who never had had a chance of being "wicked and evil."
So the whole sorry tale of Noah and his ark started... the 40 days and 40 nights of pouring rain, the total flooding of the earth, including the highest mountains, and to make sure that nobody could keep their breath long enough, he made it last for 150 days. (The fish must have had a great time.)
So, God killed the whole human race except for Noah and his immediate family.

Is it not just a bit worrysome that people have no question regarding the wanton, cruel death of so many human beings, but they wonder: "Will they ever find the ark?"

Please consider: Numbers 25:1-9
Many Israelites started to consort with the women of a nomadic tribe, the Midianites. Not only would they sleep with them, but they began to worship their Gods. 
God could probably have accepted the sex between the Israelites and the Midianites, but what really cheesed him off, was this praying to other Gods. There was to be NO competition.
"For I am a jealous God"
So God ordered Moses to "take the heads of all the people and hang them up before the Lord against the sun..
Then, following God's orders, Moses caused all the Israelites who had "committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab and who had bowed down before their Gods" to be killed.
And the plague killed 24,000 of them.

You want to go on to: Numbers 31:2-3, 7, 9-10 a.s.o 
These chapters tell of God commanding Moses to slaughter all the Midianite men, women and children but all the "maidens who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves. Count the booty and divide it amongst the men who went out to battle."

In Joshua 10:1-43, 11:1-23 and 12:1-24
God commands Moses to kill all the people in 31 kingdoms who were hostile to the Israelites, and Moses, being the obedient servant to the Lord that he was, went out and killed in the name of the Lord, and killed and then killed some more.

The horror-show, goes on and on. Should you want more of the same, the Bible (Old Testament) is full of it.

Killing, raping, plundering of gigantic proportions and all of it "ordered" by a "merciful, compassionate, loving God."

It simply cannot be that both are true: The murders and the concept of a merciful loving God. These two concepts are irreconcilable.
They cannot go together.

If God truly caused, by his orders, and by his own doings, this mayhem, then, in today's age he would be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the International Court of Justice in De Hague and tried for War crimes, Genocide, Incitement to Hatred, Serial Murder and whatever other charges a public prosecutor could come up with. And since we are told that the Bible is God's word, it is tantamount to a complete, written confession and, in my humble opinion, he should be tried, convicted and sentenced. Because compared to the God of the Old Testament, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse dung, Pol Pot, all of them together are like benevolent kindergarten teachers.

So what alternative is there?
The Israelites and the people of old behaved much in the same way as people do today: The 30 Year War,  World Wars I and II, Korea, Viet Nam, Rwanda, too many wars to count, to many perpetrators and too many victims...
The only difference seems to be that in the times of the Old Testament the perpetrators could call out: The Lord ordered me.
The Lord made me do it...  and everybody believed it.
(The American comedian, Flip Wilson, ended many of his hilarious routines with the high pitched whine: "The devil made me do it"
There isn't much difference between the two claims.

So, either it was as stated and the Lord was an insane killer, or the Bible is a fairy tale. You simply cannot have it both ways.

used as source material: "Divinity of Doubt" by Vincent Bugliosi and The Bible, Old Testament, St.James Version.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very logical argument, and therein lay the problem of presenting it to the true believer. In order for the faithful to remain faithful they must abandon logic. Thus, you cannot argue logically with a person that claims logic doesn't count!

Religion at its core is about surrender, and obedience. It is, and always was, a route to power over the people. I knew it as a fairytale the moment I read of the imprisonment for life of Galileo for daring to state the earth moved around the sun. In direct conflict to scripture, the received word of the one true god, the holy bible.

1 Chronicles 16:30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

Psalms 93:1 The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty;
the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength;
indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.

Psalms 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations;
it can never be moved.

Ecclesiastes 1:5 The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.