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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Circus Circus is not only an hotel in Las Vegas, but it realy is what's going on in the Province of Salzburg.
Remember, some days ago I wrote about the big time gambling that's happened with tax payers money in this beautiful Province?
Ms Monika has been playing the market for several years now and it seemed that the market value of her investment purchases was some 350 Million Euros (about 475 Millions of Can$$$ ) short of the original purchase price. 
The buck-passing which has been going on is truly astonishing. It's like the proverbial hot potato which is tossed from person to person.  Nobody wants to take responsibility. One of Monika's bosses has offered his resignation, pending the outcome of a thorough (?) investigation.
The results of this investigation were tabled yesterday and, see there, a miracle happened which may be compared to the miraculous multiplication of loaves of bread and fishes.
Now we hear that not only are there no losses of 350 Million Euros, but there is actually a profit of 74 Mio Euros. Well, isn't that just honkey-dorey? Doesn't that just prove how clever Monika and her bosses were? They actually made money for the Province. Now all is well... Isn't it?

What a confused accounting and record keeping system they must have in Salzburg.
One day they find 350 Millions of losses, then it takes them six weeks and two big name accounting firms to check their books and " Abara Kadabara - Hokus-Pokus" they find 424 Mios to give them a surplus of 74 Millions. 

Does this justify the putting at risk moneys which the good citizens of Salzburg worked so hard to earn to enable them to pay their taxes? Of course not !
The gambling with moneys not your own, which has been entrusted to you by others for running the affairs of your business or your country is immoral in the heighest degree and must be made illegal to the heighest degree.

Will the Federal Government of Austria pass such prohibition into law???
Will the Provinces in fact outlaw this gambling by their own Politicians and/or Civil Servants ?

Don't hold your breath...
that's what Bertstravels suggests.

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