We were hiking in Moremi National Park,
in the famed Okawango Delta!
"See, over there," Ant said. "A small herd of Lechwes.
They are staying well away from the water,
as long as the shoreline is patrolled by all these Crocks."

"They look as if they were on a stake-out" John suggested.
"Yeah, they're just waiting until one of the Lechwes
comes close to the edge for a drink."
"These Crocks are not just lined up on the shore line.
There's one almost totally submerged
right in the middle of this pond. Waiting"
Ant carefully scanned the reeds growing in profusion
along the shore.
"There's a break in the land. The Lechwes will not wade through the water.
they know that a crock could be laying in ambush close by."
A powerful leap brings them to the other side
Ant explained: "A most interesting feature is an oily, water repellent substance on the Lechwes legs,
which allows them to move a great speed, even through knee-deep water.
"Nature has it all figured out", John observed.
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