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Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Every country has two faces. At least, maybe more.
Take Ontario, Canada: There is Algonquin Park, the North of the Province and there is Yorkdale Shopping Center in Toronto.
If you have been a visitor to this Blog, I do not need to describe Algonquin Park to you. You've probably heard too much about it, since I have a tendency to go on and on about this favorite place of mine.
The forests, the lakes, the rivers, the wide open spaces …. this is one face of Canada.
Yorkdale with Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Tiffany, Cartier and the like, this is the other face of Canada.
The first is not of our creation. It is simply there and we are charged with its protection and preservation.
The second is of our making and bears witness to the industriousness, the creativity and the desire to create something beautiful of our own.
This is not a “comparison”, not a competition between the two faces, but solely a statement that they are there and that both should be treasured and enjoyed.

True, to enjoy the first costs little if any money, while the second can be enjoyed by most of us only from afar.

"Yorkdale" is Toronto's largest shopping center.
It is also the most "upscale" shopping center
and it is the most successful shopping center where sales achieve $1,650 per sq.ft.
If you are not sure what this means, believe me: These are remarkable Sales Figures. The best in the Country.

Over 250 stores vie for the visitors' dollar.

Even "Tesla" has a store here, where, for just over $100,000.00 you may purchase a fully electric automobile, which gets you 300 km on a full battery load.

unfortunately, the very attractive sales lady told me 
that she was not permitted to be photographed with the cars in the picture.

Too bad ! Otherwise I would have bought both of them.


Lianne said...

Yorkdale - the "go-to" mall of my youth decided a long time ago that they were best suited to be the "mall-of-the-well-to-do"; more of a tourist destination now than anything else. One purchase pays the rent and that rent is likely cheaper than it is on "Mink Mile" in the centre of the city - whatever. When I go - if I go that is - it's to marvel at the money some people have to spend on nothing.

Bert said...

It is, however, fun to stroll along and to decide what NOT to purchase.