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Monday, May 13, 2019

More "Sayings"

Animals, like Humans, experience 
Joy, Pain, Happines and Unhappines.

The Art is to get up one more time 
than you are being knocked down.

The People who subjugate another people
fashion their own chains.

The sayings of Darwin and Churchill are, of course,
eternal truths, as is the one uttered by Karl Marx.
Marx, however, should have thought of this saying before he issued his Economic Philosophy as expressed in his work "Das Kapital".
This, and his "Kommunist Manifesto" in short, suggest the abolishion of all private property.
And, if you even just glance at the History of Communism, you will note that in its name
more people (Countries) were brutally subjugated and deprived of all individual rights, 
except for the one which made them slave for the State.
Here are but a few examples:
Russia and the entire "U.d.S.S.R., under Stalin and his successors,
 China under Mao Tse Dung, 
Cambodia, under Pol Pot
East Germany under Walter Ulbricht
There were, of courae, many more and they all failed miserably
 in respect of the promised "Economic Paradise."
The philosopy of Karl Marx in each case had to be  brutally and murderously inforced,
since it goes against the very grain of  human desires and hopes.
Herewith just two of his innumerable quotes:
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." and
"The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence:
'Abolish all private property.'"

As a student of Economy in at least two Universities, he should really ask for his money back.
The earlier mentioned Quote should be modified a little:
"The People who accept the teachings of Karl Marx, have already fashioned their own chains."

finds it hard to understand that there still are Communists in Western Society.

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