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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Aich Dob wins another one

is a small village of not more than 50 or 60 houses. In 1983 it was smaller still.
At that time, however, a young man from Vienna married a young woman from Aich Dob, moved there and, because he had played Volleyball in Vienna, started to play this game with some of the local kids on the meadow of a neighbour.
Out of these humble beginnings came the team of today who consistently play in the top standings of the Austrian- as well as the "Central European League."
Last night, SKAD, played against the perennial champion of  Croatia and,
Aich Dob won 3 games to 1

Your intrepid photographer was there and shot these "breathtaking" photos.

Aich Dob in the yellow/blue strip, played poorly in the first game and lost it 21-25.
Then they seemed to wake up and won the next three games.

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