Pope Franciscus has
I promised myself never
again to write about Religion, specifically Christianity or certainly
not about Roman Catholicism.
Today's Newspaper front
page, makes me break this promise.
There it is reported that
the conservative element in the R.C. Church is almost in revolt
against the serving Pope.
Now, I ask myself, what
has Franciscus done, to energize his opponents anew?
Or are they just awakening
a little from their anti-intellectual slumber?
They practically accuse
him of heresy, of spreading false teachings, next thing you know they
will probably depict him as the “Antichrist.”
Let me summarize his evil
deeds: He tries to reform the Vatican Bank. (hitherto with little
A financial institution
which, by independent analysts has been classified as one of the most
corrupt of such institutions,
which has been accused of “money laundering”, whose chairman was
arrested along with a most unsavory character, arriving per private
plane in Rome from Zurich, carrying a suitcase full of 20 Millions of
Euros... etc...etc.
What, of course is much
much worse, he has asked the church and its servant-masters to
consider all circumstances before they condemn a person whom they
consider in breach of the rules.
He wrote his famed “Amoris
Laetitia” (AL) in which he urges that pastors are to avoid
judgments which do not take into account the complexity of various
Every person, the AL
stipulates, regardless of sexual orientation ought to be respected in
his or her dignity and treated with consideration.
Divorced-remarried persons
must be more fully integrated into the Catholic Church, and the
degree of participation must be left to a person's conscience.
And to top it all off,
Franciscus suggested in this AL that “it can no longer be said that
all those living in any “irregular” situation are living in a
state of mortal sin.”
“The Church,” he
continues, “needs to stop applying moral laws, as if they were
stones to throw at a person's life.”
He then accuses his Church
often to present marriage in such way, that its unitive meaning, its
call to grow in love and its ideal of mutual assistance are
overshadowed by an almost exclusive insistence on the duty of
Here is the church which
insists that sex without the sole intention of procreation is sinful,
and there is Franciscus, the head of this Church, who now tells us
that it is okay to enjoy sex, without procreation being its sole
Are you now surprised that
his enemies are blowing the trumpet call to arms, so they may defeat
the one man who calls for consideration, and who urges all of his
staff to be more tolerant, to examine issues carefully and treat them
individually, as the case may demand.
I would think that the
Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, would consider that the
electors had been God-inspired, or certainly God-assisted in their
selection five years ago.
To make matters even
worse, this Pope thinks it is a great idea to communicate with other
faiths. Just imagine: Franciscus wants to talk to leaders of other
faiths. Oh, what heresy.....
It seems that the
conservative element of Cardinals and Bishops and Priests would like
to prevent any change in the modus operandi of their institution,
that they would like to remain in their stiff, unbending position. If
it were up to that lot, one might assume that the methods employed
during the Counter Reformation were perfectly Okay and should have
prevailed to this day.
shudders at the thought
of this.