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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pythagoras of Samos

According to him, in a right angle triangle a2 +b2 = c2
where a and b meet there is, by definition, a 90 degree angle.
the other two angles add up to also 90 degrees.
so, in accordance with the formula, if a = 5, and b = 10, 
c must be 11.18.....
in  this case c is 0.894% longer than b.
If I now extend the base line (b) from 10 to 100, we get the following result:
25+10,000 = c sq
c = 100.125, which is 0.998% longer than b

let me now extend base line b to infinite.
does that mean that the hypotenuse "c" must also be infinite and the angle where a meets c must now also be 90 degrees. Are we now dealing with two parallel lines b and c, which will never meet
at best we are no longer dealing with a triangle, but a square.
unless one considers the theorem that parallel lines meet in infinity.

Or is this whole thing a bunch of h.s. since there is no "infinity" in Geometry?
or is there?

wonders about the craziest things.

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