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Saturday, March 14, 2015

One hundred and fifty ? or One ? or None ?

The Mayan civilization, has an astonishing, over 2,500 year history.
They were a highly civilized and clever people. They built large cities, containing some of the finest temple-pyramids and other ceremonial sites. They perfected a manner of written communication as well as a long range calender which expired only recently ( 2011 ).
Archaeologists have identified over 4000 sites of remnants of this grandiose culture.
Super smart people, one and all.

The Aztecs, a much later culture, also existing in the Mesoamerican regions between the 14th and 16th century AD also are known as highly cultured, and builders of great cities.
Super smart people, one and all.

The Greeks and the Romans: Not much needs be detailed about their cultural acumen.
We know about their philosophers, to name only the Greek triumvirate of Aristotle, Plato and Socrates.
We know about their buildings in Athens, in Rome and many other gigantic accomplishments in architecture, sculpture, painting, mosaic, creation of a highway system including viaducts and aqueducts. Accomplishments too many to list here.
Super smart people, one and all.

What about all these „super smart people“ and their religious believes ?

The Mayans adored over 150 Gods in their very complex and convoluted religion.
There was „Itzam“ ( Top cooky, Lord of Heavens, Night and Day) and „Chac“ (God of rain and the weather ) and „Ah Mun“ and „Ah Puch“ and so on, right up to about 150 of them.

The Aztecs had „Tlaloc“, Quetzalcoatl“ as well as „Tezcatlipoca“ and many, many more. They sacrificed thousands of their own and many more thousands of their conquered, to their Gods.

The Greeks had more Gods than you can shake a stick at. 
Starting with „Chaos (the Void)“ via many such divine creatures, right down to Cronos, who fathered Zeus and his brothers Poseidon and Hades- and then on and on .. as I said.. more of them than you can shake the proverbial stick at.

The Romans also have more Gods, almost too many to count: Right from Janus to Vesta and so many in between.

Given that we have clearly shown the intelligence and learning, the astonishing accomplishments of all of the above people ( and in number we have not even begun to scratch the surface) why would we assume that in matters of religion they were less intelligent, less smart, less sophisticated, in fact, downright „stupid“ ?

Alongside all of the above we have a number of religious movements, which insist that there is only one God. Among these Monotheistic movements count: Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Babism, the Baha'i Faith and undoubtedly several more.

Who now is right ?
Are there many Gods ? Is there but One God ?

Those who believed in 150 Gods or more, could not really substantiate their claim of even one of them.
Those who believe in one God cannot provide anything but a blind, unquestioning „Belief“.

Why then do we assume that the Mayans, the Greeks, the Romans, all people of superior intelligence were wrong and those who „believe“ in One God, also people of superior intellect, are right ?

When the kids misbehaved, many mothers would threaten them by saying: „Wait till daddy comes home from work. He will hear about you having been a bad child and he will be very unhappy and angry and maybe he will spank you. So you had better be good, clear your toys away, go wash your hands, sit down and eat your mashed potatoes and peas.“
Well, father was a formidable figure. Tall, black curly hair and a mustache drooping from both sides of his down curved mouth. His hands were strong and there were veins bulging on his forehead, particularly when he was angry.
The unspoken message of course was: „Fear your father“.

Not only mothers used this open threat, but leaders of people used similar fear figures most effectively.

Moses of the O.T., of course, was the past master of this intimidation, so undoubtedly were some of the leaders of the Mayans, the Aztecs, Jesus of Nazareth, ( of the N.T.) also was no slouch in this department, and so many more.
If you misbehave, if you don't eat your mashed potatoes and peas, if you don't pray to Him, don't obey His commandments, you shall end up in „Hades“, or, if you were a Mayan, in „Hunhau“ or even in „Hell“.

Intimidation was a finely honed skill amongst most, if not all founders of religions.

Let me ask again: Who is right and who is wrong ?
Why couldn't there be 150 Gods or more ?
What is there which speaks against a multitude of Gods and in favour of just one God?
Nobody truly knows.
Nobody knows, but many pretend to know and mistakenly, or in a deliberate effort to deceive, present their "belief" as "knowledge". 

These are the priests of all religions, these are the so-called „theologians“ who are the pretenders.

We do not know if there are 150 Gods and we do not know if there is even one God.
But, and this is the crux of it, we also do not know that there are not 150 Gods nor do we know that there is not one God.

What position is left for someone who, for lack of evidence, has allowed his intellect to put both positions in question ?
This person is truly cornered into the position of the Agnostic.

That's what

Bertstravels thinks, anyway.

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