Children from the neighbourhood,
dressed as the Three Magi, who came to
visit the "New borne King", come on the 5th/6th January
to sing a song and collect for the underpriviledged children.

Legend has it, that their names were Kaspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
Above the entrance to your house they mark in chalk:
20 + K+M+B+10
This sign will, without question, bring you luck.
Wether it does or not, it's a nice old custom.
And do you know what C M b means- wir nerven ist mir schon klar-aber was sein muss, muss sein
Hi Chris...I don't understand your comment....
I mean the translation.for what do the three letters stand for.Besause many people think they are short for Caspar.Melchior and Balthasar.
But it means in Latin:Christus segne dieses Haus
Christus mensionem benedicat
Bert, your knowledge about Christianity are frightened. Your opinions insult many people in Austria. You was born in Austria and went to school till abitur. But most of your livetime you spent in Cananda therefore you have forgotten many things about your original homeland. If you will stay here for more time learn about our religion and its customs and the backgrounds of it. The Austrian Emporer Maria Theresia said about such knowledge and opinions: "We are not amused!"
Even the Canadian Emporer, Queen Elizabeth I., would say the same words.
Christiane has right.
Some other words may be wrong, but it is early in the morning!
And your opinions ask for replies
knowledge is correct too.
Caspar- Melchior- Balthasar symbolize
the three known continents in the time of Christi (Jesu), America and Australia were unknown that time.
The message should hear all the world. An other interpretation is, what Christiane said. Both interpretations are a very good message to all people.
Both messages are very good messages for all people
An other one!
People of North America have many difficultis with European culture and tradition. I could see this, when I was put in charge of a group of US soldiers. I went with them to the monastery of Zwettl. The comrads looked and looked astonished. They have never seen any culture objekt before. For my person, I was a teatcher for the German language and History/ Sozial studies, but a soldier as well, colonel, by the Austrain army.
similar to the National Guard in USA, only similar. We are a part of the army, reserve.
I must tell an other fact, too. We visited the "Austrai Military Museum" in Vienna. The commentary:
Austria was an important empire in the history of Europe. They didn't know this fact.
Now, I will finish my comments.
Egbert! Bitte, der letzte Text meiner "coments" war der letzte kritische Text.
Plesase,the last text of my "coments" is the last critical text.
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