In 1957 we visited Niagara Falls.
That's when Steven saw a lot of "wawa"

The nucleus of my family:
l. to r. Inge, Egbert, Sigurd, Mutter, Irmgard.

The somewhat enlarged family:
l. to r. Hilde (Sigurd's wife) Inge, Mutter, Irmgard,
Alois ( Irmgard's husband) Hugo ( Inge's husband)
and last but not least, my brother Sigurd.

The family just keeps growing:
l. to r. Helmut (Inge's 1st son), Inge, Christa ( Theo's wife)
Alois, Mutter, Hugo, Irmgard.
Lieing on the floor: Theo, (Irmgard's 1st son)
Hermann (in the yellow shirt, Irmgard's 2nd son) Sigurd,
Steven, and Herwig (Inge's 2nd son)