Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Cathedral of GURK in the Province of Carinthia, Austria

The "Fastentuch" (The Cloth of Fasting)
hides the Altar of the Cathedral of Gurk
as well as many other churches in Carinthia and Tirol.

A closer look at this "Cloth of Fasting"
in Gurk.

Another "Fastentuch" hiding the Altar in the
Abbey church of Millstadt, Carinthia.
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  1. So the Archbishop of Going Red in the Head in Gurk was dealt a final ignominious blow by demotion. God's will I suppose!

  2. I don't think that this demotion came from that high up... more likely from the Bishop of Gurk, who recognized the unsuitability of his Vice, due to his uncontrollable temper.
    I may be the only human alive, ever evicted from Gurk under Police Escort.
