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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ohne Worte.
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Summer's End - Sommerende

Since Summer has clearly come to an end, Fall is here
and Winter is just around the corner, I would like to give
you a few "fare well" images of this past beautiful, warm
colourful and therefore thoroughly enjoyable time of year.
Sommer hat offensichtlich sein Ende gefunden, Herbst ist hier
und Winter versteckt sich hinter der naechsten Ecke.
Ich moecht' Euch nur noch ein paar Bilder zeigen von der vergangenen, sonnenreichen,
wunderbaren saison.

On this veranda we consumed most of our meals.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many friends came to join us to
enjoy Christin's wonderful artistry in the kitchen, the lovely view
onto the Petzen mountain and then to take a refreshing dip in our pool,
which is actually larger (4x8 meters)than it looks on these images.
Auf dieser Veranda nahmen wir die meisten unserer Mahlzeiten.
Fruestueck, Mittags- und Abendessen. Freunde waren oft bei uns,
um sich ueber Christin's Zauberei in der Kueche,
den schoenen Ausblick auf den Petzenberg
und einen erfrischenden "Schwimm" im Schwimmbad zu erfreuen.
Das Schwimmbecken ist eigentlich groesser als es
hier aussieht. Es misst 4 x 8 meter

All summer long we were visited by butterflies who feasted on our flowers.
It was a truly wonderful season.
Waehrend des ganzen Sommers wurden wir auch von Schmetterlingen besucht.
Es war tatsaechlich eine herrliche Saison.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009


It's lovely to combine two purposes for a short side trip: To visit old friends and to re-visit one of the worlds most beautiful areas: Tirol, Austria...
The mountains are already snow-covered right down to about 500 meters. The green forests of the lower regions sport a sugar coating of snow like a decoration on the lush green of their needles. The summer season is over and the winter season has not yet started. There is only little traffic on the roads, the country inns are not jammed with tourists, people go quietly about their business, the few travellers, such as we, are well served with friendly efficiency and a smile. Everybody talks about the most important subject of the day: Hermann Maier, the "Herminator" one of the greatest skiers Austria has ever produced (and they have produced many) has announced, amidst tears, his retirement from the sport of downhill skiing. Generally people are glad that he is bowing out while still one of the best. "After all," they say, "he is 38 years old and competing against 20 year olds in a sport demanding that they hurl themselves down the mountain standing on two pieces of wood, at speeds exceeding 130km an's really a crazy sport."
Anyway, that's what they are talking about and I listen and enjoy the seeming innocence of the conversation.
I take some pictures and go on my way.

Friday, October 16, 2009


The "Golden Roof" is one of the most well known attractions
of this beautiful city, situated on the banks of the river Inn.
This town, the capital of Tirol has so many high-lights, that it is
impossible to list them all here.
Das "Goldene Dachl" ist eines der bedeutesten Wahrzeichen
dieser wunderschoenen Stadt, am Innfluss gelegen. Diese Stadt,
die Hauptstadt von Tirol, hat so viele Wahrzeichen,
dass eine Zusammenfassung hier aeusserst schwer waere.

The "Goldene Dachl", so the story goes, was installed
on the order of Emperor Maximilian I, in an effort to disprove
the rumor that he and the treasury were at the brink of bankruptcy.
Once completed, the people remarked that
if not before, NOW the Emperor was surely bankrupt.
Man erzaehlt die Geschichte, dass Kaiser Maximilian I,
um das Geruecht seiner Finanziellen Schwierigkeiten zu widerlegen,
dieses Dach mit Gold belegen liess, worauf die Buerger sagten dass,
wenn er bis dato nicht bankrott war, so ist er es sicherlich nach dieser Extravaganza.

Coca Cola is being delivered to Innsbruck.
Whatever would the Emperor say?
Coca Cola wird in Innsbruck geliefert.
Wuerde sich Kaiser Maximilian darueber freuen?

Christin with our dog Pinta
in front of the Golden Eagle Hotel.
Christin mit unserem Hund "Pinta"
vor dem Hotel Goldener Adler.
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In the Church of the BLACK KNIGHTS

In the middle of the Hofkirche in Innsbruck, the sacophargus

of Emperor Maximilian I, (d.1519) is surrounded

by 28 over-life-sized statues of Maximilians ancestors and contemporaries.

A collection of sculptures by some of Europe's fines artists,

including 3 statues designed by Albrecht Duerer.

Kaiser Maximilian I liess seine Begraebnisstaette,

von 28 ueberlebensgrosse Statuen seiner Vorfahren und Zeitgenossen umgeben,

in der Hofkirche zu Innsbruck errichten.

Leider starb er in Wiener Neustadt, zu weit von Innsbruck entfernt,

um seine Leiche waehrend der Sommertemperaturen nach Innsbruck zu ueberfuehren.

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Friends we visited - Freunde in Tirol

In the Community of Grinzens we visited
my wonderful friends, Heidi and Martin Kastl.
Both are closely connected with the "Musikkapelle Grinzens".
Heidi is the "Recording Secretary" of this excellent Brass and Reed Band
and Martin plays the most difficult "French Horn."
Two typical, cordial "Tiroleans"
In Grinzens besuchten wir zwei wunderbare Freunde:
Martin und Heidi Kastl.
Martin spielt das "French Horn" in der ekzellenten "Musikkapelle Grinzens"
und Heidi ist die 'Kronistin", die die Geschichte dieses lang bestehenden Musikvereins
Zwei typische, herzliche Tiroler.

Im Restaurant im Hotel "Goldener Adler"
besuchten uns Christin's Freunde: Mag. Carolyn und
Universitaets Professor Dr. Otmar Pachinger.
Carolyn, eine lustige, lebhafte Frau, gebuertig in den USA
spricht ein fliessendes Deutsch.
mit einem herzigen Amerikanischen Akzent.
Otmar, fuehlt sich offensichtlich wohl zwischen zwei schoenen Frauen.

In the dining room of the "Golden Eagle" hotel, we had the pleasure
of the visit by Christin's friends: Carolyn Pachinger and her
illustrious husband, Professor, Dr. Otmar Pachinger.
Carolyn, born in the USA, speaks German fluently with a lovely
American accent.
The Professor, quite obviously, feels very comfortable between
two beautiful women
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It's Mid-October and snow has fallen in the Tirolean Alps,
down to an elevation of 750 meters and less.
People are of two minds: "Great!!" say some of them, "We'll soon be skiing."
"It's too soon", say others.
The early snow compensates a little for the loss everybody feels
because Hermann Maier, "The Herminator" has announced his retirement
from competitive skiing.
Es ist Mitte Oktober and in den Tiroler Alpen ist, bis auf 750 Meter herunter,
schon Schnee gefallen.
"Wunderbar" sagen die einen, "desto frueher koennen wir auf unseren Brettln stehen."
"Viel zu frueh" sagen die Anderen.
Der fruehe Schneefall macht die Trauer und Entteuschung
ueber Hermann Maiers, der "Herminator's" Abtreten von der Buehne
der "Welt Cup" Rennen tragbar.

Just outside of Innsbruck, on the way to the Village of Grinzens
we find the mountains covered with snow.
Ausserhalb Innsbruck, am Wege nach Grinzens,
sind die Berge schon schneebedeckt.

"It's beautiful, but it won't stay long", say the natives.
"Schoen schaut's aus, aber bleiben wird's noch nicht"
sagen die Einheimischen...

Many natives could tell you the name of each and every
mountain top.
I can only tell you: "The Alps of Tirol around Innsbruck."
Viele der einheimischen koennten Euch jeden Berg nennen.
Ich kann euch nur sagen: "Tiroler Alpen um Innsbruck herum."


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Monday, October 5, 2009

Carinthia - Kaernten

Nur ein kleines "Zuckerle" um euch zu zeigen, wie schoen es
hier in Kaernten ist. Nur ein bissl noerdlich von Bleiburg ist die "Saualm" und
das sind zwei Bilder von dort. Um sie richtig zu sehen
muessen sie im Grossformat betrachtet werden.

Just a little "eye-candy" to show you how utterly beautiful
this countryside of Carinthia is. A little North of Bleiburg,
in the so-called "Saualm" you will find sights like these, seemingly without end.
Please enjoy these images better by viewing them in the large format.

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