Sometimes I dream about the most beautiful woman in the world...
sometimes I dream about Peponi's on the Island of Lamu,
othertimes I dream about drifting gently in the breeze, while sitting in a canoe in Hailstorm Creek Marsh...
Last night I dreamt about "A Blog"....(it is now 5 AM)
Remember I complained about Blogs being "upside down and downside up and the First turns out to be the Last." The solution came to me in a dream:
You write the story as you would want to: The Caption, The Prolog, Chapter 1 to 10 and then, finally the Epilog. But you don't post them, you put them into the "Draft" category. Then you let the whole thing stew in its own juices, until even the last "Treppengedanke" (Johnny come lately Idea) for improvements has come and gone. Then you release the whole thing in reverse order.
Why didn't I think of this to begin with???